Laboratoire des biomolécules UMR 7203

Direction adjointe :
Administration :
ENS - Laboratoire des BioMolécules
24 rue Lhomond
75005 Paris
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The Laboratoire des BioMolécules (Laboratory of Biomolecules, LBM) was created in 2009 by merging CNRS research Units 8642 and 7613 and bringing together strong expertise in biomolecule chemistry (peptides, proteins, metal complexes, polysaccharides, lipids).
LBM research activities are oriented towards understanding and controlling the functioning of living organisms, as well as methodological and instrumental developments. LBM projects are essentially devoted to the design of new strategies and/or tools in analytical chemistry, organic, inorganic, bio-organic, bio-inorganic, biophysics, biochemistry, biology and physiopathology, in order to observe, understand and even control the fundamental mechanisms of living organisms, and to analyze at the molecular level the specific dysfunctions associated with human pathologies.
The LBM research centers are located at the Department of Chemistry of the ENS and at Sorbonne University (Pierre and Marie Curie campus).
Research themes
- Design and synthesis of biomolecules and probes for structural, biological or therapeutic purposes (3 poles).
- Understanding and control of interactions between biological molecules: peptides, proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, model and biological membranes (3 poles).
- Understanding and control of molecular and cellular mechanisms for intracellular delivery and delivery of peptides, proteins, metal complexes, probes (biosensors), nanoparticles (3 poles).
- Studies of reaction mechanisms, molecular electrochemistry and methodological development (PGMB pole).
- Methodological and technological developments, unconventional imaging: nuclear magnetic resonance (micro-imaging, DNP, relaxometry...) (SDB pole); mass spectrometry for the analysis of proteins, peptides, lipids and metal complexes (BAIMC and PGMB poles); evanescent wave microscopy for the monitoring of single molecules (BAIMC pole); Infrared, fluorescence and X-ray micro-fluorescence spectromicroscopy (PGMB pole).
- Development of numerical approaches for the analysis and interpretation of the dynamics of macromolecules and membrane peptide interactions (SDB pole).
- Development of photolabeling and bioorthogonal chemistry approaches to study post-translational and epigenetic modifications; use of chemical ligation for the synthesis of modified proteins (BAIMC pole).
- Invention of new fluorescent biosensors and chemical-genetic tools to observe and study with high spatial and temporal resolution dynamic biochemical events in living cells and tissues (BAIMC pole).
- Physico-chemical and biological studies in a context related to oxidative stress: design of cellular models for the evaluation of oxidative stress (PGMB pole)
Research Poles
- Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules (SDB)
- Peptides, Glycoconjugates and Metals in Biology (PGMB)
- Biomolecules: Analysis, Molecular and Cellular Interactions (BAIMC)
Écoles doctorales
ED 388 Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Paris Centre
ED 406 Molecular Chemistry of Paris Centre
Structures associées
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, INC (primary), INSB (secondary)
Sorbonne University, UFR of Chemistry (main), UFR of Biology (secondary)
Mis à jour le 3/5/2017